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How can Show-Score members interact with my profile?

When we list a show on Show-Score, we list cast and creative associated with the production. When this happens, we create an auto-generated profile so that members can follow and track your work. When you are part of a new show, your followers are automatically notified about your involvement. If you choose to update your profile with your social media and website, members can also learn more about your work and follow you on those channels. They cannot contact you or leave reviews on your profile. 

To update your profile, simply email with the following information: 

Photograph: Please send a photograph that's 300 x 300 pixels
Bio: 250-500 characters
Website: URL for your personal website. Unfortunately, we can only link out to one website at the present moment
Social Media Accounts: We currently accept links to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, IMDB, IBDB, Playbill Vault, and Wikipedia pages.  

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